Manufacturing Operations

Automotive Manufacturers (Spain, France, Sweden)


Migration towards manufacturing cells vs. traditional line-manufacturing to meet the needs of greater customisation.

Project 1

Japanese car manufacturer (Spain).

Small kitting cells were created to manage PoC including 3 Eirabots per cell with 10-20 racks holding small container SKUs required for kitting. Operators were guided through light pointers and intuitive UI to maximise performance from each cell.

Next stage integrates SKU presentation on the racks, with a robotic picking arm to create fully automated picking cells.

Project 2

French car manufacturer (France).

Involves kitting using larger containers and KLTs (pallet boxes).

Moving heavier goods with a lower pick per box presented, the challenge is to create a dynamic and flexible solution to enable a single operator to pick up to 12 items per minute within physical constraints. These cells require 9 Eirabots with 55 racks.

Project 3

Swedish car and truck manufacturer (Sweden).

This project is to enable more dynamic cell structures on the manufacturing floor, allowing better use of available floorspace.

Using AMRs to enable single operators to perform sequencing operations to create 225 kits per hour. These cells require 5 Eirabots and 52 rack frames.